An Update on Albuca Concordiana 🌱

Disclaimer: I used AI tools to assist with editing and streamline the writing process when creating this blog. Nonetheless, all shared concepts, ideas, and experiences are entirely my own. This collaboration with AI improves efficiency but does not compromise the authenticity of the voice behind this blog.

Hello, dear readers! I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I want to share some updates on my Albuca Concordiana. I last posted about this lovely little gem on Christmas Eve, 2024. At that time, I reported the floppy leaves and lack of vigour. However, I held onto hope! My working diagnosis was that it was floppy due to a lack of watering during the two months I was away.

Once I gave it some water, I was thrilled to see some leaves starting to perk up! They began to look more vibrant, proving that my instincts were right. And to my surprise, I spotted a teeny tiny flower spike shortly after the new year! What an exciting moment!

The flower spike has been growing taller, and the flower buds are beginning to swell! What’s even more fascinating is that the flower head typically turned toward the window in the morning, and by the time I was ready for bed, it’d turn inward toward the room. I suspect it was seeking sunlight during the day, and after the sun went down and I returned home, it perceived the artificial light inside the house and turned its head inward. While I am not naive enough to think plants are inanimate, I did not expect to witness such dramatic changes within a single day. I find this phenomenon quite remarkable.

However, this past weekend, I returned home one day to find the flower spike fell over to the side with the buds wilted. I suspect the sudden cold snap we experienced this weekend caused the bud blast. The outdoor temperature had been hovering around 0℃ most days of this winter but suddenly dropped to - 11 ℃ over the weekend. Even though my indoor temperature had been stable at around 19℃, perhaps the flower head got too close to the window during the daytime in its quest for sunlight and got assaulted by the cold.

Wilted Albuca Concordiana

A sad day

When I realize I won’t be able to see its flowers for awhile

Unfortunately, I won’t have any bloom to enjoy this year. I plan to wait until the flower spike completely dries out before cutting it off, allowing the plant to rest and rejuvenate for next year’s flowering period. Hopefully, with some care and attention, I will have better luck in the upcoming year! 🌸


A Mystery Plant 🌱